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Stomach Capacity and Intestinal Length

Stomach Capacity

Approximate stomach capacity (storage volume) by age [9]:

  • Newborn at birth: 10-20 mL
  • 1 week: 30-90 mL
  • 1 month: 90-150 mL
  • 1 year: 200-350 mL
  • 2 years: 500 mL
  • 10 years: 750-900 mL
  • 16 years: 1,500 mL
  • Adult: 1.5-3 or up to 4 liters of food [1,2,5,8,9].

Individuals with a binge eating disorder have greater than average stomach capacity [3].

The Length of the Intestine

Approximate length of the intestine in the adult is 7.5-8.5 meters [4,7]:

  • Small intestine: 6-7 m
    • Duodenum: 25-50 cm
    • Jejunum: 2-3 m
    • Ileum: 3-4 m
  • Large intestine: 150 cm

  1. Volume of a human stomach  Hypertextbook.com
  2. Varón AR et al, 2010, From the physiology of gastric emptying to the understanding of gastroparesis  SciELO
  3. Geliebter A et al, 2001, Gastric capacity in normal, obese, and bulimic women  PubMed
  4. The University of Akron (ppt file)
  5. Ferrua MJ et al, 2010, Modeling the Fluid Dynamics in a Human Stomach to Gain Insight of Food Digestion  PubMed Central
  6. Length of a human intestine  Hypertextbook.com
  7. Small intestine  New World Encyclopedia
  8. Stomach  Inner Body
  9. Chamley CA, 2005 Developmental Anatomy and Physiology of Children: A Practical Approach, p.193

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