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Alcohol and Gastrointestinal Tract


Chronic drinking increases the risk of tooth decay and teeth loss, inflammation of the tongue (glossitis), black hairy tongue, inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and oral cancer [1,49].

Alcohol and Dry Mouth

Alcohol-related causes of dry mouth:

  • Alcohol, which has a direct drying effect on the mouth lining
  • Dehydration and anxiety during hangover or alcohol withdrawal [2,3]
  • Advanced alcoholic liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis) [4]
  • Parotid glands enlargement (sialosis or sialadenosis) [5]

Alcohol, Bad Breath (Halitosis) and Body Odor

People may have a distinct alcohol-smelling breath after a single drink. There is poor correlation between the amount or strength of alcohol drunk and the strength of breath odor. Pure alcohol has little smell, so drinking vodka may result in less breath odor than drinking beer [6].

In chronic drinkers who drink but eat only a little, excessive breakdown of the body fat can result in a buildup of ketones in the blood (ketosis or ketoacidosis). One of the ketones, called acetone, gives a sweet, fruity odor to the breath [7]. Acetone breath also occurs in those who are fasting or starving, are on a low-carbohydrate (Atkins) diet or have poorly controlled diabetes type 1 or 2.

Other possible causes of bad breath in chronic alcoholics include lack of mouth hygiene, tooth decay, gum disease, smoking, sialosis (parotid gland enlargement) [5], chronic bronchitis, lung infection, acid reflux, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), liver disease [8] and mouth, throat, esophageal or gastric cancer.

Chronic alcoholics may have persistent reek, an offensive odor in their breath, skin, clothes and rooms where they live. The odor is worse after drinking and may go away only after few weeks of abstinence.

Salivary Glands

Sialosis or sialadenosis refers to enlarged, swollen, soft, painless parotid glands on both sides bellow the ears often seen in chronic drinkers with nutrient deficiencies, advanced alcoholic hepatitis or cirrhosis [9]. Rarely, the salivary glands bellow the tongue and jaw are enlarged [10].


Heavy binge or chronic drinking may cause the inflammation of the voice box (laryngitis) with swelling, dryness, nodules or polyps in the vocal cords and hoarseness [11]. Acid reflux, common in alcoholics, may also cause hoarseness [12].

Chronic alcohol consumption increase the risk of pharyngeal and laryngeal (voice box) cancer [49].


Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Ethanol can relax the muscle on the bottom of the esophagus called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which may result in the back-flow of the stomach acid into esophagus (gastric reflux) [12]. with heartburn. Complications may include an inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis) with the pain behind the breastbone and painful swallowing, precancerous lesions (Barrett’s esophagus) or esophageal cancer [49].

Esophageal spasms may be related to alcohol-induced gastric reflux or damage of the esophageal nerves. The main symptom is severe crampy pain during eating that may mimic heart attack [50].

In chronic alcoholics with liver cirrhosis, the increased pressure in the esophageal veins may cause esophageal varices with difficulty swallowing and, when they rupture, chest pain, vomiting blood and black stools; the bleeding may be fatal [13,51].

Repeated retching and vomiting may result in a rupture of the esophageal mucosal lining at the bottom of the esophagus (Mallory-Weiss Syndrome) [14]. Symptoms include chest pain, vomiting bright red blood and blood in the stool after intense vomiting [14]. Spontaneous healing is common and the prognosis is good; rarely, surgery is required [14].


Heavy drinking may cause inflammation of the stomach (acute gastritis) with gnawing upper abdominal pain that may radiate to the back, abdominal discomfort and early satiety [15,16]. Symptoms usually go away without treatment within a week of alcohol abstinence [16].

Chronic atrophic gastritis with abdominal bloating, nausea or frequent burping is common in chronic alcoholics; the cause is the infection with the bacterium Helycobacter pylori [17,18]. Treatment is by antibiotics [17].

Fermented alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, sherry and martini (probably due to succinic and maleic acid content), increase gastric acid secretion, while spirits, such as whiskey, cognac, rum, calvados and campari, do not have any significant effect on the acid secretion [19,20,21,22,23,24,25]. Alcoholics may have increased, decreases or normal gastric secretion [20,23]. Alcohol itself probably does not cause stomach or duodenal ulcer, but can aggravate the established ulcer [18,26]. Individuals who smoke and drink alcohol are at increased risk of developing peptic ulcer [27].

Small Intestine

In one study, the mean small bowel transit time in healthy abstainers and moderate drinkers was about 1.5 hours and in chronic alcoholics about 3 hours [35]. The prolonged bowel transit time may contribute to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) with abdominal bloating, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation [37].

Alcohol and Leaky Gut

Alcohol promotes bacterial growth in the intestine and increases the gut permeability, thus allowing bacterial toxins to enter the circulation and damage the liver [28]. This is one possible mechanism of alcohol liver disease. The growth of harmful bacteria and and thus the risk of alcoholic liver disease may be reduced by probiotics (Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus GG), zinc supplements, oat bran, L-glutamine and epidermal growth factor (EGF) [28].

Colon and Rectum

  • In chronic alcoholics with liver cirrhosis, hemorrhoids may develop due to increased pressure in the rectal veins [48].
  • Alcohol consumption may worsen symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis) [29,30].
  • Heavy beer drinking may increase the risk of colorectal cancer, and moderate wine drinking may decrease it [31,32]. According to one 2011 study, alcohol consumption of more than one drink per day may increase the risk of colorectal cancer [32,33,49].
  • According to one large 1995 study there is no association between alcohol intake and diverticular disease [34].


Acute Pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis usually develops in a person with chronic pancreatitis. Symptoms include severe upper middle abdominal pain that radiates to the back and lasts for more than a day, nausea, vomiting and, sometimes, fever [36]. Treatment requires hospitalization; full recovery without consequences is common, but severe acute pancreatitis may be deadly, despite treatment [38,39,40].

Chronic Pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which more likely affects those who drink at least 7 drinks per day for at least 5 years and have a genetic predisposition for it [41]. Only about 10% of heavy drinkers develop chronic pancreatitis [42]. It is not clear if the type of alcoholic beverage (beer, wine, spirits) or pattern of drinking affects the risk of developing chronic pancreatitis. Symptoms include chronic or recurring pain in the upper middle abdomen, which may radiate to the back; pain may be aggravated by alcohol or meals and may last for several hours [43,44]. Severe chronic pancreatitis may contribute to development of diabetes type 2, fat malabsorption and chronic diarrhea [45].

Treatment includes alcohol abstinence, painkillers, pancreatic enzymes, vitamins or surgery [46,47]Prognosis depends on continuing drinking and other conditions, such as liver cirrhosis; 10-years survival rate is about 70% [45]. Chronic pancreatitis is irreversible, so it cannot be cured completely, but symptoms may improve after stopping drinking [45,47].

  1. Cutaneous adverse effects of alcohol  DermNet.nz
  2. Finn DA et al, 1997, Exploring alcohol withdrawal syndrome  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  3. Swift R et al, 1998, Alcohol hangover National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  4. Cirrhosis  PubMed Health
  5. Wang SL et al, 1998, Investigation of the clinical value of total saliva flow rates  PubMed
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  7. Ansstas G, 2015, Alcoholic Ketoacidosis Clinical Presentation  Emedicine
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  10. Sialosis/sialadenosis  Exodontia.info
  11. Hoarseness  Patient.info
  12. Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease  Patient.info
  13. Carale J, 2014, Portal hypertension  Emedicine
  14. Wong Kee Song LM, 2015, Weiss Tear Overview of Mallory-Weiss Syndrome  Emedicine
  15. Wehbi W, 2014, Acute Gastritis Clinical Presentation  Emedicine
  16. H. pylori infection symptoms  Mayo Clinic
  17. Uppal R et al, 1991, Chronic alcoholic gastritis. Roles of alcohol and Helicobacter pylori  PubMed
  18. Stomach ulcer  NHS Choices
  19. Wolff G, 1989, Effect of alcohol on the stomach  PubMed
  20. Shao-hua C et al, 2010, Is alcohol consumption associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease?  PubMed Central
  21. Peterson WL, 1996, The Influence of Food, Beverages and NSAIDs on Gastric Acid Secretion and Mucosal Integrity  PubMed Central
  22. Singer MV et al, 1987, Action of ethanol and some alcoholic beverages on gastric acid secretion and release of gastrin in humans  PubMed
  23. Chari S et al, 1993, Alcohol and gastric acid secretion in humans  PubMed Central
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  25. Teyssen S et al, 1997, Alcoholic beverages produced by alcoholic fermentation but not by distillation are powerful stimulants of gastric acid secretion in humans   PubMed Central
  26. Anand BS, 2015, Peptic ulcer disease  Emedicine
  27. Ko JK, 2000, Alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking: a “partner” for gastric ulceration  Europe PubMed Central
  28. Purohit V et al, 2009, Alcohol, Intestinal Bacterial Growth, Intestinal Permeability to Endotoxin, and Medical Consequences  PubMed Central
  29. Swanson GR et al, 2010, Pattern of alcohol consumption and its effect on gastrointestinal symptoms in inflammatory bowel disease  PubMed
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  31. Stockley CS, 2008, Recent research about alcohol and colorectal cancer  Aim-digest.com
  32. Seitz HK et al, 2007, Alcohol metabolism and cancer risk  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  33. Fedirko V et al, 2011, Alcohol drinking and colorectal cancer risk: an overall and dose-response meta-analysis of published studies  PubMed
  34. Aldoori VH et al, 1995, A prospective study of alcohol, smoking, caffeine, and the risk of symptomatic diverticular disease in men  PubMed
  35. Papa A et al, 1998, Effect of moderate and heavy alcohol consumption on intestinal transit time  PubMed
  36. Gardner TB, 2015, Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Presentation  Emedicine
  37. Dukowicz AC et al, 2007, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth  PubMed Central
  38. Gardner TB, 2015, Acute Pancreatitis Treatment  Emedicine
  39. Gardner TB, 2015, Acute Pancreatitis  Emedicine
  40. Acute pancreatitis  Patient.info
  41. Alcoholic beverages  Linus Pauling Institute
  42. 2007, Alcohol metabolism, an update  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  43. Chronic Pancreatitis  PubMed Health
  44. Huffman JL, 2015, Chronic pancreatitis clinical presentation  Emedicine
  45. Huffman JL, 2015, Chronic pancreatitis  Emedicine
  46. Huffman JL, 2015, Chronic pancreatitis treatment  Emedicine
  47. Chronic pancreatitis  Patient.info
  48. Wronski K, 2012, Etiology of thrombosed external hemorrhoids  PubMed
  49. Alcohol and cancer risk  Cancer.gov
  50. Esophageal spasms symptoms  Mayo Clinic
  51. Esophageal varices treatment  Mayo Clinic

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